
A collection of downloadable resources is available to enhance your understanding of current labour law.

These resources encompass recent legal updates, key legislation such as the BCEA, LRA, OHSA, and EE, dispute resolution through the CCMA, and a comprehensive overview of Bargaining Councils.


Basic Conditions of Employment Act No. 75 of 1995
(last updated 12 Dec 2018)

Labour Relations Act No. 66 of 1995
(last updated 12 Dec 2018)


CCMA Information Sheet
(January 2023)

CCMA Rules
(effective 24 April 2023)

Government Gazettes

Earnings threshold
(Vol 705, 5 March 2024, No. 50254)

National Minimum Wage
(Vol 704, 2 February 2024, No. 50023)

Bargaining Council

Food, Retail & Restaurant and Allied Trades Pretoria
(BC Food)

Main Agreement
(1 Feb 2022)

Extension of Main Agreement
(23 Feb 2024)

Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades Johannesburg

Main Agreement
(24 Apr 2024)

Sectoral Determinations

Sectoral Determination 14: Hospitality Sector
(15 May 2007)

Sectoral Determination 2: Domestic Worker Sector
(24 November 2024)

Business Hours

Monday to Thursday
07:00 to 16:00
07:00 to 13:30

Contact Us

242 Jean Avenue, Die Hoewes, Centurion, Gauteng
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